A night to remember! Richard Hore one of New Zealand's finest organists from Christchurch really turned-on a magnificent spectacle for us both in terms of his superbly arranged and played music together with his dry wit and repartee. Richard has a Technics GA3 organ himself at home and boy does he know his way around this instrument with slick registration changes and sounds that we did not know the organ could create. The programme that Richard put together for us was spot-on in terms of variety with with a contemporary feel. The music ranged from modern spins of some of the classic composers such as Mozart and Beethoven through to the evergreens of the last 70 years. The art of music is not just with the playing which Richard did wonderfully but with the arrangements created by the artist to give it a unique flavour and Richard did this 'in spades'. The Concert ended with a spontaneous standing ovation from the packed hall. The only 'person' nonchalant about the whole proceedings was Vicki, Richard's guide dog, who snoozed through the whole evening! Thank you Richard for bringing your wonderful talents to share with us this evening. We look forward to your return to Auckland in the not too distant future.
After the visual bites that follow, there is a profile of Richard's musical journey which you may find very interesting - certainly a man of many talents and unbound enthusiasm for music.

Richard Hore playing the Technics GA3 at the Concert.
Richard certainly looked the part too with his resplendent and colourful waist coat and dickey bow.
Richard gave us some great arrangements on the Club's Yamaha Clavinova CVP-305 to add even more variety to the Concert.

Above: Rob Powell did the arrival music for the Concert on the Clavinova. Very nice too - thanks Rob.
Photo courtesy of Colleen Kerr
Richard had us in tut's laughing to his wit and dry humour!
Photo courtesy of Colleen Kerr

The other *star* of the show, Vicki, Richard's guide dog.
Below: Two photos of Gordon Sutherland introducing Richard Hore. Photos courtesy of Colleen Kerr.
Gordon Sutherland leading the rapturous applause for Richard's awesome Concert.
Photo courtesy of Colleen Kerr.
Now some shots of the attentive audience that packed our Clubrooms for the Concert:
Richard Hore in Profile:
Richard was rendered totally blind through cancer of the retina at 20 weeks of age. In no way does he let this inconvenience hamper him. Music figured strongly in early life by way of his mother's simple but effective piano playing and his love of radio and records. He began lessons in classical piano at age eight and a half, progressing in nine years of superb tutelage to the stage of sitting and passing the Grade Seven Royal Academy practical exam and Grade Five theory. Some 15 years later he returned to his teacher for the best part of three years' theory training so as to sit and pass exams relevant to a Licentiate Diploma in Popular Organ with the Australian Guild of Music. He began offering organ lessons in 1981 and 10 years later when fully qualified, added portable keyboard and elementary piano lessons to his tally. His parents' good management brought his first home organ into his life at age 14, after which his musical career blossomed. Music became his profession on leaving school at age 17. From that point till the present day, for various lengths of time he has entertained as organist in several Christchurch restaurants and hotel environments, more recently adding piano, portable keyboard and vocal skills to the mixture.
He has travelled extensively over much of New Zealand as concert performer and product demonstrator. Both electronic and theatre pipe organs have figured in the former category, this applying also to numerous trips to Australia since 1974. Career highlights to date are a feature concert engagement in Detroit in 1989, instigated by the Motor City Chapter of the American Theatre Organ Society for the staging of the thirty fourth Annual Convention, followed closely by a fortnight's cabaret engagement at Nadi's Hotel, Tanoa in 1976 as a result of first placement in TV 2's inaugural series of Opportunity Knocks in the preceding year. Between 1972 and 2008 he has released 12 solo albums. His two original compositions - The Fun Starts Here and Rise To the Challenge - appear on his CD of the former song's title. Since 1992 he has compiled and presented a programme of popular organ music which broadcasts fortnightly over Canterbury's Community Access radio station Plains FM. He is Co-Patron of Christchurch Electronic Organ Society, an active member of Canterbury Theatre Organ Society and latterly, Musical Director for the Drury Theatre Organ Charitable Trust.
Richard's Web Site is: http://richardhore.com/music.htm where you can choose from many of his CD's available for mail order.