A great start to a new year and new decade! The first half of the evening was devoted to invited members and what a great variety of music
indeed both on the GA3 organ and brought along keyboard in the case of John Beales. The arrival music was graciously provided by Joy Eade on the Clavinova and this was Joy's debut at the Club premises. Well done Joy we really enjoyed your playing and selection of music.
The second half was really special also. Firstly, we were thrilled to welcome back Rendall Miller and one of his protégés from the North Shore here, Vicki Chen. Vicki played three classical pieces on the Clavinova and was accompanied by the maestro, Rendall Miller, on the GA3. Mighty music. Thank you Vicki and thank you Rendall for introducing her to us - what a future talent. As our guest artist for the evening we were delighted to welcome back Chris Larking from Doctor Music. As always, Chris dazzled us with his wonderful music on the Clavinova. Great choice of arrangements and lovely selection of songs chosen. Thanks Chris for spending the evening with us as we know you are very busy developing Doctor Music. Chris can be contacted at Dr.Music for your musical needs at: 486 3316 or visit the Web Site:
The raffle was a lovely large cushion which was kindly donated by Evelyn Evans and won by Colleen Kerr who generously waved her gift (Colleen reckons she has too many cushions already!) and so we re-drew the raffle and Ian Jackson was the lucky winner. Well done Ian!
And now for the photos:
June McCrorie got the evening off to a great start on the Technics GA3 organ. Thanks June.
John Beales brought along his Korg Pa500 and wow did John make it croon. Very smooth and very enjoyable. Well done John.
Past President, George Watt, gave us a great medley on the GA3 and then a few selected pieces. The Theme from "Ice Castles" was beautiful - thanks as always George.

Taka Iida chose some lovely pieces to play for us including "Nessun Dorma". Despite nursing a very tender left shoulder and not being familiar with the GA3, Taka played magnificently. Thank you Taka for taking the trouble to set-up the arrangements in advance on Peter Littlejohn's GA3 - it was worth the effort! There were sounds on the GA3 I had never heard before!
Vicki Chen thrilled us with three classical pieces including Chopin on the Clavinova. Rendall Miller discretely accompanied Vicki on the GA3 which made the overall performance magnificent. Vicki played:
Valse Brilliante - Chopin
Prelude C Minor - Chopin
Sonata No. 14 in C sharp Minor (Moonlight Sonata) Beethoven
Thank you Vicki for sharing your pianist skills with us. Also, thank you Rendall for introducing your protégé, Vicki, to the North Shore music community. Hopefully, Vicki will come back again and share her music with us.

Club President, Gordon Sutherland, presenting Vicki Chen with a thank you rose for her lovely music. Photo courtesy of Club Secretary, Colleen Kerr.

Our guest artist for the evening, Chris Larking, played magnificently as always. When you can hear a pin drop you know the artist has the audience spellbound! Chris has the wonderful knack of choosing slightly out of the normal contemporary music and arranging them superbly. Thank you Chris for sharing the evening with us and good fortune with your enterprise, Doctor Music.
Club President, Gordon Sutherland, thanking Chris Larking for a wonderful mini concert. Photo courtesy of Club Secretary, Colleen Kerr.
As always a big thank you goes to the Club Committee for making the evening go so well and so smoothly.