Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Club Night Christmas Special

What a great end to our Club events for 2017 with a wonderful evening of music for our last Club Night of the year. Taka Iida played his magnificent Yamaha Stagea two-manual keyboard with pedalboard - wonderful orchestrations. After a lovely supper with very special Japanese cakes provided courtesy of Taka Iida we were ready for the second-half. Our guest artist was our old friend, Chris Larking, who played our Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509 magnificently. It is always a delight to listen to the unique playing style of Chris with his humour built-into the music!

A big thank you to all the Committee Members and kitchen/logistics supporters for the evening and for their assistance all year at Club Nights and Coffee Days held at Lifestyle Villages.

The Videos:

Our Guest Artist, Chris Larking, playing the Club’s Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509.

Takashi Iida (Taka) playing his two-manual keyboard on Club Night 5th December 2017.

The Photos:

Some of the Christmas Hampers etc for the Raffle Draw. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Arrival Music was provided by Rod Moffat. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Taka Iida played his Yamaha Stagea for us. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Our guest artist, Chris Larking, played our Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509 magnificently. Chris makes the hard look easy! Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Club Year End Party on 24th November 2017

The Club's Year End Party was held in the lush surroundings of Fairview Lifestyle Village's main lounge. We started at 2.30 pm and members played for two hours on the grand piano and on their keyboards. After the Fairview Happy Hour when their raffle was drawn Len Hancy (vocals) and Bennie Gunn (keyboard) gave us a mini-concert of jazz standards - very nice guys!

After a delicious dinner of Fish and Chips (it was Friday night!) with salmon and a side-salad we were set-up for our evening dance band - Jan and Kevin Johnston. Jan and Kevin were joined for some of the numbers impromptu by Len Hancy on vocals. Great stuff guys!

All in all, a wonderful Year End function to cap-off a great year of events and music put on by the Club.

We still have our Club Night on 5th December 2017 with some great artists lined-up as well as the famous year end Christmas Hamper Raffle.

A big thank you to Diane Lyons for organizing the Year End Party in conjunction with the Management of Fairview Lifestyle Village. Thanks also to our Secretary, Delyse Whorwood, and Margaret Black for manning our Raffle and Information Desk - a very selfless task all afternoon  whilst everybody else were enjoying themselves so thank you so much - very much appreciated.

The Photos:

Kay Boyes playing the Kohler and Campbell grand piano. Claude Moffat playing the Kohler and Campbell grand piano.

Julia and Bob Bissett singing for us with Dorothy Waddel accompanying on grand pinao. Dorothy also played a lovely solo piece for us. Jim Nicholson playing the Kohler and Campbell grand piano.

Our Events Manager, Diane Lyons, playing her Yamaha PSR3000. Our intrepid Desk Crew, Margaret Black (L) and Club Secretary, Delyse Whorwood (R).

Audrey Henden sang Christmas songs for us and accompanied herself on guitar. Len Hancey (vocals) and Bennie Gunn (keyboard) played a half-hour mini-concert of jazz standards.

Our evening band music was provided by Jan and Kevin Johnston. They certainly know how to get the residents and Club members on their feet and dancing!. Our evening band music was provided by Jan and Kevin Johnston. They certainly know how to get the residents and Club members on their feet and dancing!.

Residents and members of the Club dancing to the great music of Jan and Kevin Johnston.

Len Hancy joined Kevin and Jan Johnston with vocals for some of the numbers played.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Club Night 7th November 2017

One of our best evenings if the audience's reaction was anything to go by! We had great music in the first half of the evening and played by our members: arrival music Rod Moffat and Claude Moffat; Gordon Sutherland Korg Pa4X; Colin Crann on Clavinova CVP-509; Diane Lyons on Yamaha PSR300; and Rod and Nelleke Moffat (Rod on Korg Pa4X and Nelleke on vocals).

After a refreshments break the Club Rooms were transformed for a band with all the drums, percussion, amplifiers, speakers, mixers and microphones set-up in record time! We were privileged to have as our guest artists, Conundrum, who played a variety of styles across many ethnicities. They had the audience enthralled with the choice of songs and the great bouncy beat they used. The range of instruments they played was amazing also with such instruments as: violin, mandolin, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, South American flutes, penny whistle, mouth organ and drums and various percussion instruments! A big thank you to our member, Julia Withers, who is one of the band members, for arranging for Conundrum to come along and play for us.

A splendid night to be remembered.

The Videos:

Our guest artists for November 2017 Club Night: Conundrum.

Gordon Sutherland playing his Korg Pa4X on Club Night.

Colin Crann playing the Club’s Clavinova CVP-509 on Club Night.

The Photos:

Rod Moffat played part of the arrival music and then gave a solo performance on his Korg Pa4X (76 note version). Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons. Claude Moffat played part of the arrival music on the Club's Yamaha Clavinovva CVP-509. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Club President, Gordon Sutherland, playing his Korg Pa4X. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons. Colin Crann played the Club's Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

 Rod and Nelleke Moffat played for us. Rod on his Pa4X and Nelleke on vocals. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Our guest artists, Conundrum, were our guest artists. Playing a wide range of ethnic styles and genres and demonstrated a great diversity of instruments. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Coffee Day at Knightsbridge Village 24th October 2017

Another great Coffee Day at Knightsbridge Village's main lounge. We had lots of keyboards as well as the use of the gorgeous K. Kawai grand piano to listen to. A good number of our members came along to enjoy the day as well as an enthusiastic audience of residents and their guests. We also had a lovely smorgasbord luncheon to add to the exuberance of the day. It was great that International artist, Ben Fernandez, accepted our hosts, Margaret Black, invitation to come along informally and give a mini piano recital on the lovely K. Kawai grand piano. We are fortunate to have many semi-professional members of the Club that regularly join-in the music both at Coffee Days and our monthly evening Club Nights.

A big thank you to our Events Manager, Diane Lyons and our member/host for the day, Margaret Black, for organizing the event for us. We are also grateful to the management of Knightsbridge Village for allowing us to share their lovely facilities for the day and enabling the Club to apply its ethos of “Bringing Music to the Community”.

The Video:

Click on the link URL line below to watch the cameo performance of our Special Guest, Ben Fernandez on his Facebook page. This was an impromptu recital kindly provided gratis by Ben – background chatter and all!


                      We were honoured that professional musician with an International reputation, Ben Fernandez, came along and gave a cameo 30 minute performance - adding to the Club's ethos of "Bringing Music to the Community".

Ben Fernandez playing Pachelbel’s “Canon” at our Club Coffee Day, Knightsbridge Village. 24th October 2017

The Photos:

Claude Moffat playing the K. Kawai grand piano at Knightsbridge Village. Peter Jackson playing his Yamaha PSR-S970.

Diane Lyons playing her Yamaha PSR3000. The players.

(L:R) Nelleke Moffat; Delyse Whorwood; and Margaret Black manning the desk. Rod and Nelleke Moffat gave us a 25 minute mini-concert with Nelleke on vocals and Rod accompanying on his Korg Pa4X (76 note version). Rod played some solo pieces as well - very nice too!

Jim Nicholson playing the K. Kawai grand piano. Peter Longbottom playing his Korg Pa600.

Semi-professional pianist, Denise Gunson, played for about 30 minutes during lunch and then gave a mini recital later in the afternoo. Mary Barrett playing her brand new Korg Pa4X (76 note version).

Peter Jackson gave us a 15 minute vocal performance using his portable LJ Roadjack 10 speaker/amp which allows him to play backing orchestrations in mp3 format to accompany his singing. Former member, Peter Littlejohn, came along with his Korg Pa1X and entertained us with vocals and keys.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Club Night 3rd October 2017

A full house enjoyed a great evening of music with members playing in the first half and then our guest artists in the second half. Arrival music was provided by Arthur Reid on his Korg Pa3x. Peter Longbottom got the ball rolling playing his Korg Pa600 and followed by Warren Levick on the Club's Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509. To finish the first half, Denise Gunson played the Clavinova.

After a refreshing tea break, it was time to be entertained by our guest artists: Ben Fernandez on the Clavinova and Nick Jones on his acoustic and electric violins. What a wonderful concert with such a great variety of songs and genres. Definitely a night to remember!

A big thank you to the Committee and volunteers who made the evening flow so smoothly.

The Videos:

Ben Fernandez and Nick Jones playing at our Club on 3rd October 2017 as our guest artists.

Peter Longbottom playing his Korg Pa600 on Club Night.

The Photos:

Arthur Reid played the arrival music on his Korg Pa3X. Peter Longbottom played his Korg Pa600. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Warren Levick playing the Club's Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons. Denise Gunson playing the Club's Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Nick Jones on fiddle and Ben Fernandez on keys. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Our guest artists Nick Jones (violin) and Ben Fernandez (keys). Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Coffee Day at Park Lane Village on 19th September 2017

Over 20 of our Members enjoyed a wonderful, relaxing day at this lovely Lifestyle Village. A great variety of music and instruments were deployed for the residents and our members alike to enjoy. A great lunch was had from the kitchen pre-set meal -delicious! A big thank you to the residents and Management of Park Lane Village for sharing their lovely lounge and facilities with us.

The Photos:

Claude Moffat playing the Village's Schimmel mini-grand piano Delyse Whorwood and Kay Boyes sorting the raffle money at our entry desk.

The set-up. Some of our members relaxing to the music.

Some of our members relaxing in the lovely surroundings. Audrey Henden playing the Schimmel mini=grand piano.

Roy Steen playing the Schimmel mini-grand piano. Linus Treefoot playing his Korg Havian 30.

Peter Longbottom playing his Korg Pa600. Yvonne Flemming playing her Korg Pa3X.

Gordon Sutherland playing his Korg Pa4X. Denise Gunson playing the Schimmel mini-grand piano.

Mary Barrett playing her Korg Pa4X (76 note version). Kay Boyes playing the Schimmel mini-grand piano.

Peter Jackson crooning to some orchestral background music.