Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Christmas Club Night 4th December 2018

What a wonderful Christmas year end Club Night to end a great year of Club events both at our Club Rooms, Coffee Days at Lifestyle Villages, and, Coffee Days at members homes.

For our year end Christmas Club Night, we were entertained most magnificently by two of our senior playing members including Taka who brought along his Yamaha Stagea keyboard.

Before the refreshments break, we held our Christmas Hamper Raffle. Due to the generosity of members donations we had 11 buckets of goodies to be won. For our refreshments break we were treated to wonderful Japanese style cream cakes (kindly brought along by Taka Iida) and Christmas cake, biscuits and mince pies. A big thank you to our Secretary, Delyse Whorwood, who organized the catering and the Christmas Hampers.

After the tea break, we were treated to a magnificent concert by Ben Fernandez on our Clavinova piano and accompanied by Rick Roff on vocals and trumpet. Both are International entertainers and they did not disappoint!

All in all, a great evenings entertainment and a wonderful way to finish our 2018 activity year. The Committee takes this opportunity to wish all our members, visitors and observers of this Web Site a Merry Christmas and a very Happy, Healthy and prosperous New Year.

The Videos:

Our December 2018 Special Guest Artists: Ben Fernandez (piano) and Rick Roff (vocals and trumpet).

Takashi (Taka) Iida playing his Yamaha Stagea.

The Photos:

Our magnificent Christmas Raffle 'Hampers'. Kindly organized by our Secretary, Delyse Whorwood.

Supper kindly prepared by our Secretary and acting catering manager, Delyse Whorwood.

Wow, the Jolly Old Man from Lapland made the trip down under to wish us wll for Chirstmas and the New Year.

New member, Brian McMurray, kindly provided some lovely arrival music for us. 

 Takashi Iida (Taka) playing his Yamaha Electone Stagea

Our guest artist Ben Fernandez playing our Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509

 Our guest artists: Ben Fernandez (keys) and Rick Roff (vocals and trumpet) Our guest artists: Ben Fernandez (keys) and Rick Roff (vocals and trumpet)

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Club’s Year End Party at Fairview Lifestyle Village

The Club held its year end party at the very beautiful Fairview Lifestyle Village, Albany. We started about 2.30 pm in the main lounge/dining area of the Village and carried-on until about 8.30 pm. We had some wonderful Club players play during the afternoon session and then after a lovely set-piece dinner we were entertained by Jan and Kevin Johnston and accompanied by our Host and MC, Len Hancy on vocals. Plenty of dancing and even a great conga dance around the lounge area! All in all, this was a wonderful party and enjoyed by both the Club members and a goodly number of the residents.

A big thank you to Diane Lyons for organizing the event with Fairview and Len Hancy. Appreciation to Russ and Kay Boyes for organizing the splendid raffle and controlling the Club's front desk. A big thank you also to the Chef and staff and management of Fairview for their services in making this one of the best Club parties of all time.

The Photos:

Brian McMurray made his Club debut on the Kohler and Campbell grand piano. Great music Brian! Claude Moffat played the grand piano.

Club President, Gordon Sutherland, playing his Korg Pa4X. Photo courtesy of Diane Lyons. Roy Steen playing his Korg Pa300 whilst our host, Len Hancy, watches on.

Russ Boyes capably handling the sale of raffle tickets at our front desk. Nice Christmas gear Russ! Diane Lyons playing her Yamaha PSR3000.

Hana Tani played the grand piano for us. Hana was joined for a couple of pieces by her mum, Yuko Tani for a duet. Taka Iida brought along his Yamaha Electone Stagea and gave us a mini concert.

Some of the audience on the day.

Denise Gunson gave us a mini concert on the grand piano. Rod Moffat played his Korg Pa4X 76 note keyboard for us and accompanied by his wife, Nelleke and Peter Jackson on vocals.

Rod Moffat played his Korg Pa4X 76 note keyboard for us and accompanied by his wife, Nelleke and Peter Jackson on vocals.

The band for the after dinner entertainment was Kevin and Jan Johnston anc accompanied on vocals by our host for the day, Len Hancy. Jan played her Korg Pa1X AND Kevin played his Crafter acoustic guitar.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Club Night 6th November 2018

Club Night on 6th November 2018 turned-out to be a really great night. We had a good size attendance and some superb music to enjoy. Arrival music was provided by Arthur Reid on his Korg Pa3X. Members to play in the first half of the programme were: Gordon Sutherland on his Korg Pa4X; Claude Moffat on the Clavinova; Rob Powell on the Clavinova; and Denise Gunson also on the Clavinova. After a refreshing tea break we were ready to listen to Darren Smith, Retail General Manager for Music Works. Darren is an accomplished musician and keyboard player. Darren brought along the very latest arranger keyboard from Yamaha, the 76 note Genos and what a beautiful instrument with crystal clear rhythms and sounds. All-in-all a great night of music.

The Videos:

Our guest artist, Darren Smith, playing the Club’s Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509 and the latest top-of-the-line Yamaha 76 note Genos arranger keyboard

Gordon Sutherland playing his Korg Pa4X.

The Photos:

Arthur Reid playing his Korg Pa3X for the arrival music Gordon Sutherland playing his Korg Pa4X

Claude Moffat playing the Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509. Rob Powell playing the Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509.

Denise Gunson playing the Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509.

Darren Smith broght along the latest Yamaha arranger keyboard - the 76 key Genos.

Darren Smith setting up to play the latest Yamaha arranger keyboard, the Genos. Darren uses an iPad for his music notation/chords/song notes.

Darren Smith playing the Club's Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Coffee Day at Mayfair Village 17th October 2018

What a lovely day we had at the beautiful lifestyle village - Mayfair Village. Our members made good use of the Steinway grand piano! We were entertained also by keyboard players with their arranger keyboards. The chef and kitchen staff put on a lovely a-la-carte luncheon for us which was much enjoyed.
A big thank you to the Management of Mayfair Village for hosting our Coffee Day and also a big vote of thanks to our Door Staff, Russ and Kay Boyes together with assistance by Diane Lyons and Delyse Whorwood.

We were delighted that Ben Fernandez, the celebrated pianist, gave an impromptu mini-concert for us to get the Day rolling along beautifully. Thank you so much Ben! Ben is currently the keys player for the much acclaimed Leonard Cohen Tribute Band that are playing up and down the Country. In fact they have a concert at The Auckland Town Hall on Sunday, 28th October 2018 at 7 pm. There concerts are usually sell-outs but there may well be some tickets available yet from Ticketmaster:

Sun 28 Oct 7:00pm at Concert Chamber, Auckland Town Hall



of Ben playing a request, Chariots of Fire, at our Coffee Day on the lovely Steinway & Sons grand piano.

The Photos:

 Celebrity pianist, Ben Fernandez, generously came along and played a mini-concert for us on the Village's Steinway grand piano.

Diane Lyons playing her Yamaha PSR3000. George Watt playing the Steinway piano.

Claudette Wheeler gave us a mini-concert playing her beloved Steinway grand piano. Claudette is a resident of the lovely lifestyle Mayfair Village. Mary Barrett came along with her magnificent Korg Pa4X arranger keyboard.

Roy Steen playing the Steinway grand piano. Denise Gunson playing the Steinway grand piano.

Roy Steen playing his Korg Pa80 arranger keyboard. Peter Jackson played the Yamaha PSR3000 as well as giving a separate performance singing along with an orchestral background.

Ian Jackosn playing the Steinway grand piano. The Club's Events Manager, Kay Boyes, playing the Steinway grand piano whilst Club Secretary, Delyse Whorwood listens-on enjoying Richard Clayderman's Ballade Pour Adeline.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Club Night 2nd October 2018

What a lovely evening of music - such variety and talent! Arrival music was provided by Jeanette Harding and Claude Moffat. In the first set we were entertained by Diane Lyons on her Yamaha PSR3000 and followed by Hana Tani. Hana played some solo pieces and was then joined by a friend, Ashley, and Hana accompanied Ashley's singing on the piano.
After the refreshments break, we were ready to host our special guest artists, Conundrum, who came all the way from Warkworth/Wellsford to entertain us! Conundrum play a unique mix of genres from around the World with Greek, Israeli, South American and pop. Thoroughly enjoyable concert - thank you so much Conundrum.

The Videos:

Our Guest Artists: Conundrum

Diane Lyons playing on Club Night using her Yamaha PSR3000 arranger/keyboard.

Ashley Harris and Hana Tani on Club Night 2nd October 2018. Hana is playing the Club’s Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509 and accompanying Ashley on vocals.

The Photos:

Claude Moffat played the arrival music on the Club's Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons. 

Hana Tani preparing to play the Clavinova CVP-509. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons. Ashley (vocals) and Hana Tani piano accompaniment. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Ashley singing and accompanied by Hana Tani on the Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Our guest artists, Conundrum. From left to right: Cathy Busbridge; Linda Hobbs; Jeff Hobbs; Julia Withers; and, Peter Thomas. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Coffee Day at Park Lane Village 18th September 2018

A very nice day was had by one and all - both our members and the residents of this lovely Village. The beautiful Schimmel grand piano was well used and appreciated by the players and the audience! One of the highlights was Peter Jackson and Nelleke Moffat singing together with Rod Moffat playing the accompaniment on his Korg Pa4X (76 note keyboard). The Village chef, Louie, put on a great four part lunch for us as well. A big thank you to Kay Boyes for organizing the Coffee Day for us and to Russ and Kay for manning the front raffle and information desk.

The Photos:

Diane Lyons playing a Korg Pa4X and singing along George Watt playing the Schimmel grand piano

Gordon Sutherland playing his Korg Pa4X Claude Moffat playing the Schimmel grand piano

Roy Steen playing the Schimmel grand piano Audrey Henden playing the Schimmel grand piano

Errol Storey playing the Schimmel grand piano Rod Moffat, accompanying vocalists Nelleke Moffat and Peter Jackson, on his Korg Pa4X

Rod Moffat soloing on his Korg Pa4X Ian Jackson playing the Schimmel grand piano