What a great day we had at the lovely Northbridge Village. This was our first music event since the second Covid lockdown which added to the pleasure. Great audience, great music and a wonderful kitchen for us to enjoy for our lunch. We had a smaller than usual Club member turn-out due to other commitments on the day. However, that made the day more fun in a way as it allowed the playing members to have several turns at playing and in a more relaxed environment than on Club Nights. It was useful also to play the Villages digital ensemble piano which is a Yamaha Clavinova CVP-609 which has touch screen as with our new CVP-809.
It was nice to catch-up with our long-time member, Jim Nicholson, who lives at the Village and who finished off the afternoon for us with his inimitable style of easy listening and sing-along songs that got the audience singing.
A big thank you to our Events Manager, Kay Boyes, for organising the event and also a big thanks to Pat White who organizes activities at the Village.
The Photos:
Kay Boyes playing the Clavinova CVP-609
Yvonne Moller playing her Korg Pa3X
Claudette Wheeler playing the Clavinova CVP-609
Gordon Sutherland playing his Korg Pa4X
John Holster playing the Clavinova CVP-609