Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Club Night 1st September 2015

A great night of fantastic music and all provided by our talented members! After some great arrival music by Diane Lyons, we then had Rendall Miller on our GA3 Technics organ accompanying Vicki Chen on our Clavinova CVP-509 ensemble piano. This was followed by Roy Steen on his Korg Pa80 and then Diane Lyons on her Korg Pa900. To finish the first half, Rob Powell (President of the Organ Piano and Keyboard Club of Auckland Inc.) gave us a mini-convert showing off the capabilities of our Clavinova CVP-509 to great effect. After a very social refreshments break we were ready for Brian and Denise Gunson to give the guest artists full concert for us. Marvellous stuff, well done all!

As always, a big thank you to our Committee for organising the evening so well.

The Videos:

Vicky Chen and Rendall Miller playing the Clavinova CVP-509 and Technics GA3 organ respectively on Club Night:


Roy Steen playing his Korg Pa80 on Club Night:

Rob Powell playing the Clavinova CVP-509 on Club Night:

The Photos:

 Rendall Miller and Vicki Chen gave us an orgna/piano duet. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Roy Steen playing his Korg Pa80. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.   Rob Powell, gave us a mini-concert on our Clavinova CVP-509. Photo courtesy of Dennis Lyons.

Our guest artists were Brian and Denise Gunson. Brian was using his G&L electric guitar and Denise was using the Club's Clavinova CVP-509. Our guest artists were Brian and Denise Gunson. Brian was using his G&L electric guitar and Denise was using the Club's Clavinova CVP-509.

Gordon Sutherland thanking Brian and Denise Gunson for a great concert. Photo courtesy of Delyse Whorwood.

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