Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Club NIght 7th June 2022

 A great night of music at The North Shore Music and Keyboard Club's monthly Club Night. Arrival music was kindly provided by Peter Longbottom who brought along his Korg Pa600 arranger keyboard. Peter then gave a mini concert in the first set. Following Peter Longbottom, we were entertained by Rob Moffat on his Korg Pa4X (76) arranger keyboard and Nelleke Moffat who provided vocals on some of the songs. Some great nostalgic 60's and 70's Rock and Roll/R & B which got the feet tapping and the hands clapping along.

After the raffle and a refreshments break, we were entertained by Kane Steves, the Piano and Keyboard Department Manager, from Music Planet Takapuna. Kane is a professional musician and available for gigs of all types. Kane played the Club's Yamaha CVP-809 ensemble piano and a Korg Pa1000 arranger keyboard that he brought along to enhance the concert with variety. What an impressive performance with great playing and superb vocals to boot! Kane played a wide variety of music, both ballads and upbeat R & B, from the 60's and 70's - right up our alley! Kane certainly showed off the amazing sound and style features of the Korg Pa1000.

Overall, a great night's entertainment and a well-sized audience in attendance to enjoy the show.

The Videos:

Our guest artist, Kane Steves, playing the Club's Yamaha Clavinova CVP809 and a Korg Pa1000 arranger keyboard

The Photos:

Our Guest Artist, Kane Steves, playing a Korg Pa1000 which Kane brought along from Music Planet Takapuna where Kane is the Piano and Keyboard Departmental Manager. Kane added vocals to many of his songs - good stuff!

Our Guest Artist, Kane Steves, playing the Club's Yamaha Clavinova CVP-809. What a magic touch on the keys and an excellent selection of popular music that we love.

                                    Peter Longbottom playing his Korg Pa600 arranger keyboard

Rod Moffat on his Korg Pa4X (76) arranger keyboard

Rod Moffat and Nelleke Moffat - Rod on keys and Nelleke providing the vocals

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